Saturday 17 August 2013


Nature is a wonderful and awesome creation of God. The beauty of nature mesmerizes every human being. That's why when you see a beautiful scenery or a greenery filed, mind just forgets all other thoughts, eyes never avoid looking at it and you will enjoy that pleasant nature to the maximum extent. Beautiful greenery of trees, extraordinary heights of mountains of ice and rocks, various cute colors & structures of flowers, growing agriculture forms, gardens, banks of rivers and oceans, panoramic views of beaches, amazing sunrise, sunset, moon light, fully covered fog, drifty clouds in the sky, various seasons, gestures and unique features of birds & animals and so on…which are incredible and can't explain in words. 

Many of the poets admired and inspired by observing different sights of nature's beauty. Their experience, nice thoughts of nature and views of imagination came out of their minds in the form of words and made them to write fantastic poetries on the same. We must be noticing that while praising the physical appearance, personality or behavior of a person or a child, often compare with a suitable means of nature. That is the greatness of nature.

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